Agropyron fragile (Siberian wheatgrass)

Formerly A. sibericum. Cool season, perennial bunchgrass similar to Standard crested wheatgrass (A. desertorum) but is more drought tolerant, better adapted to saline soils, later maturing, more palatable and performs better on lighter textured soils. Extremely cold tolerant. Seedling vigor may be lower than other crested cultivars.


Agropyron fragile (Siberian wheatgrass) map.png


Family: Poaceae

Duration: Perennial

Growth Habit: Graminoid

Native Status: Introduced

Season: Cool

Growth Form: Bunchgrass

Mature Height:  36 in.

Annual Precipitation: 6-25 in.

Drought Tolerance: High

Shade Tolerance: Intolerant


Wetland Indicator Status:

Fire Resistance:

Fire Tolerance:


Coarse Texture: Yes

Medium Texture: Yes

Fine Texture: No

Salinity Tolerance: High

CaCO3 Tolerance: Medium

pH Range: 5.6-9.0


Seeds per Pound: 206,000

Seeding Rate: 6-11 PLS lbs/acre

Season: Fall

Days to Germination:


Stabilizer - Excellent seedling establishment, persistence, seed production and pubescence. Low growing and reduced leaf matter or forage yield. Recommended for roadsides, low maintenance cover, and as a grass component in green strips and firebreaks. (Released 2011, origin: Kazakhstan)

Vavilov - Good seedling vigor and seed yield. Once established, tolerates longer drought periods than many other crested types. (Released 1994, origin: former USSR & Turkey)

Vavilov II - Greater seedling establishment and stand persistence during drought, especially on sandy soils. (Released 2008, origin: Vavilov variety)